Why You Need An E-commerce Store For Your Business

Black woman shopping at an ecommerce store

There are 4.66 billion people on the internet, according to Statista. This was in 2021. Now imagine the number of people using the internet as of right now. While you’re still having that imagination, picture the number of people that can get across your business in a split second. 

Getting your business online is a process that can start from as little as putting up your brick-and-mortar store on Google My Business. Also, from simple sales solutions like social media (WhatsApp for Business, Pinterest or Instagram Shops), to more advanced options like Etsy, WooCommerce, Wix, Shopify, Bigcommerce, Squarespace, among others. Or even building your own e-commerce platform. 

The best part is that e-commerce technology is evolving and keeps on getting way easier every day. The possibilities are endless and it gets simpler with time. So why do you need an e-commerce store?

5 Reasons to set up an e-commerce store for your business.

  1. Reach: Remember that there are over 4 billion people on the internet. E-commerce will take you beyond your present location and widen your opportunities with just one simple google search. Oh, there are other search engines now, but that’s aside from the point.

    The reach e-commerce gives you is beyond your location. Looking to start out on getting more international clients or customers, then you already have one reason to go online. If you want to keep your business where you are and reach more people in your local community, get started with an e-commerce solution. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated.

  2. Lower costs of operation. An e-commerce store runs at lower startup costs. It goes from free to as costly as you want it to be. The first thing to get started with is your brand itself. This is most vital and then, data connection. You are reading this already, so you are as good as being online. Reduce the money spent on rent, building maintenance, depreciation etc. and channel that energy to an e-commerce store and have more money to develop a headquarters or production room.

  3. Better data management. The best part about an e-commerce store is that everything is right in front of you. You don’t need to wait for a third party to do the work for you. e-commerce solutions can do everything about data management in real-time. From accounting to inventory management, logistics or customer database. Everything about your bookkeeping is well kept, managed and extracted when you want. Saves your cost on paper and pens.

  4. Consumers are online: with e-commerce, you already know where your customers are. All that is left is positioning to be found. There are experts to help with this, courses to take and easy guides to follow. The way the internet works, if you can sell to 1 person, you can sell to 10. Sell to 10, then you can sell to 100 and go on and on like that until you become a unicorn. All you have to do is consistently offer value.

  5. Establish your brand presence: E-commerce establishes your brand presence. It gives tone, voice and a unique story to you. You get to give your customers a unique experience and seamless customer journeys with just a touch of the button. Claim your brand name online. Asides from customers, you are also positioning yourself to be seen by investors. To learn more about branding your business, sign up here for this Business Accelerator Mastercourse.

Your customers, investors, and competitors are already online. What are you waiting for? If you don’t already have an e-commerce store, this is nature telling you to start. If you have one, go on queen and conquer the world. 

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